Warning, Avoid Varicocele Surgery Until You Read This.
Surgery is Not a cure. Surgery is high risk & ineffective.
I’ve been teaching varicocele natural treatments for ten years now and have had many clients who’ve gone through some serious horror stories. One that upset me was when a teenager from India contacted me. He was a 19-year-old boy and had already undergone 3 operations! Two surgeries and one embolization. And guess what: He didn’t even have any pain before his first operation—but now, he has permanent pain.
Unfortunately, I told him that I likely could only help so much. These procedures have risks, and developing permanent/chronic pain is a real possibility. But, I did whatever I could for him: I gave him a copy of my books and yoga series for free and offered to advise him the best I could. My treatments have been helpful for those who have already undergone surgery, but 3 operations—at 19? Who knows how it will go for him and how much more he will suffer…
So, now, I hope you understand why I’m so passionate about making natural treatments more of a viable option for everyone. Why undergo risky surgery when you can treat the root-cause of varicocele, specific lifestyle changes, follow a few simple steps to much better results than surgery? And, I offer even far more comprehensive solutions now to help you have the best chance of successful treatment.
Unfortunately, I told him that I likely could only help so much. These procedures have risks, and developing permanent/chronic pain is a real possibility. But, I did whatever I could for him: I gave him a copy of my books and yoga series for free and offered to advise him the best I could. My treatments have been helpful for those who have already undergone surgery, but 3 operations—at 19? Who knows how it will go for him and how much more he will suffer…
So, now, I hope you understand why I’m so passionate about making natural treatments more of a viable option for everyone. Why undergo risky surgery when you can treat the root-cause of varicocele, specific lifestyle changes, follow a few simple steps to much better results than surgery? And, I offer even far more comprehensive solutions now to help you have the best chance of successful treatment.
"Hi, I bought your ebook after literally running out of the surgery room. I followed your advice and I got my wife pregnant!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ernesto
Sent from my iPhone"
"Hi, I bought your ebook after literally running out of the surgery room. I followed your advice and I got my wife pregnant!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ernesto
Sent from my iPhone"
Varicocectomy is Not a Cure.
Cutting is Not curing.
A shocking 200X higher focus on invasive & high risk procedures -- than identifying root-causes and safe treatments. Varicocele surgery is Not a cure:
- You do not return to a normal/healthy baseline post-surgery.
- Cutting out (ligating) swollen veins is Not curing them, and it does Not address the root-cause of the disease.
- Adding metal coils or synthetic foams into varicose veins is also Not curing them.
- Ligation or blockage of veins means fewer veins to circulate blood!
- Surgical results are questionable, and embolization results are even more questionable.
- Only 6-14% of those who undergo surgery attain a fertility benefit (that is 1 in 7 men! Not 95%.)
- Varicocele surgery is ineffective for pain relief.
- Surgery is a high risk procedure (you're more likely to experience negative side-effect than a benefit!)
Varicocele severity increases if left untreated, but, this does not mean that surgery is the right treatment option. Many meta-analysis (combined results from many scientific studies) have found that varicocelectomy and embolization do Not produce statistically significant results [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. That means that these procedures are no more effective than observation. As a matter of fact, good clinicians do not recommend varicocele surgery anymore [7, 8, 9, 10], simply because it does not work. If you won't take my word for it, read the evidence for yourself in this insightful peer-reviewed scientific publication [11].
We've known for a while that even though surgery might improve semen parameters in some men, these improvements are do not mean that there will be an improvement in pregnancy rates [12]. We've also known that there is no significant benefit from the varicocele surgery in infertile couples in whom varicocele is the only abnormal finding [13].
No one seems to be asking the important question: Is varicocele surgery a cure or just another treatment method? And the fact is that surgery is not a cure. It is merely a treatment method for varicocele. What is important is that: Other, safe and effective treatment methods do exist!
Your doctor doesn't know any alternative treatment methods for varicocele, because there is no research done. No research on prevention, identifying root-causes, nor on indentifying safe treatments. Varicocelectomy has been around for over 100 year. In 100 years, we have done zero research into alternatives... Why? $$$$$$$$$$. Varicocelectomy is an over $300,000,000 market per year. That is a lot of money! And that's just in the United States.
We've known for a while that even though surgery might improve semen parameters in some men, these improvements are do not mean that there will be an improvement in pregnancy rates [12]. We've also known that there is no significant benefit from the varicocele surgery in infertile couples in whom varicocele is the only abnormal finding [13].
No one seems to be asking the important question: Is varicocele surgery a cure or just another treatment method? And the fact is that surgery is not a cure. It is merely a treatment method for varicocele. What is important is that: Other, safe and effective treatment methods do exist!
Your doctor doesn't know any alternative treatment methods for varicocele, because there is no research done. No research on prevention, identifying root-causes, nor on indentifying safe treatments. Varicocelectomy has been around for over 100 year. In 100 years, we have done zero research into alternatives... Why? $$$$$$$$$$. Varicocelectomy is an over $300,000,000 market per year. That is a lot of money! And that's just in the United States.
"i am more comfortable after doing these exercises,swimming provides a very great result.but i felt swelling sometimes,but the swelling was reduced very soon.A little pain was observed while am biking even for a short distance.
"i am more comfortable after doing these exercises,swimming provides a very great result.but i felt swelling sometimes,but the swelling was reduced very soon.A little pain was observed while am biking even for a short distance.
Important! Great Resources
- Complete breakdown of varicocelectomy and embolization risks and benefits
- Can you treat varicocele at home?
- Varicocele: 5 Ways Your Doctor is Setting You Up to Fail
- Varicocele Surgery Success Rate (Not 90–95%!) … 14%***!
- NNT of Surgery is between 5.7 and 17
- Simple treatments that are better than varicocele surgery (Video - Watch!)
- Sign up FREE: 100 Varicocele Treamtent Tips Course
- Data-driven varicocele treatment App (Start Now!)
Comprehensive varicocele home-treatment: Varicocele Healing Guide:
Are you interested in treating your varicocele without surgery? The Varicocele Healing Guide is a step-by-step guide on how you can treat your varicocele at home with natural treatments. Don't wait. Start your treatment now!
Get The Varicocele Healing Guide!
All varicocele natural treatments are covered in detail in The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele (the Varicocele Healing Guide). The following information on Masturbation is one treatment among over 100 of the best natural treatment covered in the book. Proven results from thousands of clients. Step-by-step varicocele home treatment program. Start now.