Home varicocele treatments — Non-surgical solutions
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AuthorDaniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Standing TwistsTwisting in the mornings is a great way to stimulate bowel movement, develop a set bowel movement schedule, and strengthen the core muscles. Begin by standing with your legs shoulder-width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent. Now twist from one side to another. Exhale when twisting, and inhale when unwinding. The closer your arms are to your body, the easier this exercise is. Your goal is therapy. Therefore it is okay and recommended to perform this exercise at low intensity. Note: Do not perform twists on a full or bloated stomach. Diamond Belly RubWhen you wake up in the morning, rubbing your belly can be very stimulating for bowel movements and promote lymph drainage. This gentle massage aids in developing a set bowel movement schedule and is also suitable for improving bowel and digestive health.
Perform this exercise when standing. First, make a diamond shape by touching your index fingers and thumbs together. Next, begin gently rubbing your belly with your palms—massage in circles around, but not over, your belly button. Perform 10-30 clockwise and counter-clockwise circles. Ideally, perform this exercise every morning. Note: This is a gentle exercise; perform it calmly. Do not press into your abdomen. Your goal is to heat up, gently massage, and stimulate blood flow to the area, not to irritate your intestines.
Your boys called. They want you to join the cool kids!Keeping your testicles and testicular veins cool is essential for most men with varicoceles and infertility. Benefits of keeping your testicles and testicular veins cool:
Caution: A minority of men do have overly cold testicles. If this is you, then you should avoid testicular cooling and instead focus on normalizing your testicular temperature. You may even benefit from testicular heat therapy. 10 Essential Tips to Be Cooler!1. Wear More Breathable Pants!Yes, pants can trap a ton of heat. Go for thinner and more breathable fabrics. Less fabric is better. Shorts are generally better than pants. 2. Cooler UnderwearBuy cooling fertility-friendly underwear like Stud Briefs. Get it on and be cooler, all day, every day. I can't emphasize big of a difference the right underwear makes.
3. Beware Of This Major Fertility Killer!Beware the Cushion Chair! Cushion chairs (yes, your car seat included!) are wanted for mass genocide of trillions of sperm and testosterone concentrations.
4. Hotter Than Ever Before!Our rooms and work environments are now hotter than ever before! Cool down your environment whenever possible. Reducing the temperature of your room/office/space can make a big difference. 5. Something Missing In The Morning?No wood? Maybe you forgot to keep your testicles cool all night. Oopsy.
6. Your New Best Friend! Cooling treatments are your new best friend. Perform a cooling treatment after the gym, sex/masturbation, prolonged sitting, or a hot day!
7. The Oldest Trick In The Book!Point a fan towards your crotch. The wind generated will effectively take the excessive heat away from your man bits. Using a fan is especially helpful if you don't have an air conditioned environment, or if your seat traps heat. 8. Cool Your Entire Body!The hotter your body is the hotter your testicles. Cooling your entire body will also cool your testicles.
9. Lifestyle Tips -- Contrary To Popular Belief!Don't avoid saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, or hot showers! You read that correctly--don't! All of those can be very therapeutic. Just make sure to perform a cooling treatment post-activity. For example, at the end of your hot shower, end with cold water on your testicles and groin area until your balls pull up and tight against your body. Similarly, perform a cooling treatment after any other heat-therapy. Remember: End with cold! 10. Underwear, Underwear, UnderwearGuys, it takes re-iterating: The right underwear can make a massive difference for your varicocele. It is one of the most important factors you can manage: You just put it on, and get the benefits all day, every day! The right underwear cools the testicles and provides compression that enhances testicular blood drainage. It can quite literally make all of the difference for you.
Avoid both regular boxers and briefs, as they both trap too much heat. Specialty cooling underwear with a must for all men who are concerned with their testicular health. Get Stud Briefs now! |
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