Lifestyle matters for varicocele. Treat varicocele at home, without surgery.
Identify and treat the root-cause of varicocele. Safe, home treatment recommendations for varicocele and male-infertility.
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Having sex can be both beneficial or damaging for varicocele. It is critical to identify exactly how having sex affects you. First, let's identify the risks and learn how to manage them. Then, let's learn about the benefits and how to maximize them.
The Negative Effects of Sex on Varicocele
Increased Volume of Blood to the Testicles: Of course, there is an increase in testicular blood flow when you become aroused, have sex, and ejaculate. In men with varicocele, an increase in testicular blood flow is typically accompanied by an increase in testicular blood pooling.
Varicocele Toxic Blood Pooling: Pooled blood in the testicular veins damages the veins and testicles. Blood pooling causes local inflammation, hypersensitivity, heat stress, hyper-hydration, oxidation, toxin build-up, hypoxia, and lack of nutrient exchange. Blood pooling is toxic, it damages the veins, vein valves, testicles, sperm, sperm head, sperm tail, and sperm DNA.
Local Inflammation: Varicocele makes the testicular veins vulnerable to physical damage from rubbing and tugging. The minor rubbing and tugging from sexual activity causes minor damage and irritation, increasing varicocele inflammation. The physical damage plus the chemical damage compound together, significantly increasing inflammation.
Infections & Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Mild, moderate, and severe infections can all contribute to varicocele. Most scrotal and penis-related infections can increase blood pooling in the testicular veins. Even exposure to mildly harmful bacteria can increase inflammation and cause damage if left untreated. Testicular Hyperthermia: Testicular blood flow increases pre-, during- and post-sex. This means higher levels of blood pooling. Moreover, local inflammation from sex disrupts the counter-current cooling mechanism of the pampiniform plexus veins, resulting in testicular overheating. Sex-Hazards that You Need to Know:
Here is a list of potential sex-related hazards that may worsen your varicocele:
7 Fixes for Sex & Varicocele
How Home Treatments Work
100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Cigarette smoking is an excellent example of where doctors and urologists get it all wrong. Take one of my clients for example. He was diagnosed with varicocele, testicular pain, and infertility. Medical professionals told him that his only option for him is surgery.
Think about it, they fully conveyed to him: "There is no other way to improve your fertility and alleviate your pain than surgery." They said there is no other way to improve his fertility and alleviate his testicular pain. So, he had surgery. He got pain relief for about one month. But, his fertility didn't improve, and soon, he redeveloped varicocele, and his pain symptoms came back more severe than before. He came to me after a failed surgery and in excruciating pain. The first thing I did was have him fill out my detailed Varicocele Risk Assessment Form. The assessment is a detailed questionnaire that helps me identify root-cause of varicocele, testicular pain, and infertility. It turns out that he was smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day. As soon as I saw this, I told him, he needs to minimize or quit as soon as possible; that it is the reason for his "surgery failed". I told him smoking was the reason for his pain — that the toxins from smoking had caused and were continuing to causing real damage to his testicles and testicular veins. That there was real and potentially permanent damage to his testicles, fertility, and overall health! His varicocele and testicular pain had debilitated him. It had affected his sex life. He had completely stopped exercising. He was also just about to quit his job. So, he was willing to do anything. He was able to quit completely! And, within a week, his pain symptoms started diminishing. And, soon, with the help of additional work on the other root-causes of his varicocele, infertility, and pain, he was able to make a full recovery! Many of my clients report that even 1 cigarette can cause their varicocele and testicular pain to worsen. We can't put all of the blame on varicocele and dismiss the detrimental effects that smoking has on the testicles and testicular veins.
It is a great mistake to fixate only on "varicocele" and ignore the other contributing risks.
Cigarette smoking is worse for your health and fertility than varicocele. It is also a major contributing factor for varicocele development and severity. If you smoke cigarettes, don't solely blame your pain or infertility on your varicocele.
Many doctors make the error of blaming everything on varicocele (the symptom) and ignoring the root-cause (smoking and other lifestyle risk factors). Don't make the same mistake. Try the app, it takes smoking into account when building you a personalized treatment program. Some of the treatments also directly and indirectly help assist your smoking cessation. It also builds treatments to help counteract some of the negative effects of smoking on the testicules, sperm, and testicular veins. So, start with the app now! If you found this informative, make sure to like and share! 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
START NOW! Important: Before You Follow These Hacks!
Take a look at the above pictures. There is a reason why the medical examiners filter out men with varicoceles. Because you're going to be exposed to a ton of varicocele risk factors, like heavy, long-duration lifting, constipation, poor diet, intense stress, testicular hyperthermia, sleep deprivation, and much more. So, you have to really consider for yourself: Is it worth it?
If you want to proceed, here are some hacks that will help you pass your military medical examination. Should You Have Surgery?
Now, I obviously sell natural treatment solutions for varicocele, but, for those people who need to treat their varicocele quickly, and for their career, I do tell them to give some serious thought to it. Because my solutions do take time to reduce swelling size. Yes, surgery has risks, but, you must weigh the costs and benefits, especially when it comes to big decisions like this one. The point if it’s a matter of your job, career, and livelihood, I may suggest that surgery could be a viable option.
Start Now!
Ideally, you would have 3-6 months for complete varicocele treatment, and would follow the step-by-step process outlined in the Varicocele Healing Guide. But, even if you only have a few days, I have outlined how you can strategically hack your way to passing your examination. Now, is it guaranteed to work? Well, for many guys, yes. But, for a few, no. But, you don't have a chance if you don't start. So it is best to start now!
>1 Month Before Medical Test
I'll get straight to the point: If you really want to pass your exam, you need to get serious about starting your treatment right now. Here is how our home treatment program works:
2-7 Days Before Medical Test
Day of Examination
Super cooling your body and balls will make your scrotum pull up, and so the physician won't be able to diagnose it
Getting Ready
At the Examination Center
During Examination
As well, knowing the tests that they use allows you to cheat, and prevent the right results from showing up.
Ultrasound Examination:
Physical Examination:
100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
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