How to treat varicocele naturally — Home remedies and treatments
Best natural treatments for managing varicocele at home
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AuthorDaniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Toxic Blood Pooling
Varicocele is swollen veins where blood pools. Pooled blood is toxic blood. It damages the testicles and testicular veins by increasing free radical activity, causes hyper-hydration and hyperthermia (too much heat), ad impairing nutrient exchange. Toxic blood pooling is responsible for developing varicocele symptoms and damaging vein valves.
To alleviate varicocele symptoms and allow the veins to heal, we must first address toxic blood pooling. This means both counteracting the negative impact of the toxicities and improving testicular blood circulation. Does Varicocele Surgery Work?
Varicocele surgery is a procedure that cuts out swollen testicular veins. This is done in an attempt to minimize blood pooling. However, as you will see, surgery is not very effective because it can impair testicular blood circulation, does nothing to address the controllable varicocele risk factors, and it ignores the healing effects of therapeutic treatments.
Varicocele Surgery: Learn the Facts >> Controllable Varicocele Risk Factors
We have known for a long time that varicocele is not a simple genetic disorder, and that there are many risk factors for varicocele development and severity. But, we still treat varicocele as a genetic disorder of faulty vein valves, so the standard protocol recommended by specialists still remains as “do nothing”, or have surgery. So, what about to the controllable varicocele risk factors—the lifestyle changes that we can make that will make a big difference in our varicocele symptoms, prevent varicocele progression, and maybe even reduce varicocele swelling? That’s a good question to ask.
Therapies to Stimulate Healing Therapies to Stimulate Healing
These days, there seems to be so few options for varicocele treatment. Go on any website, and you get a comparison of surgery & embolization—both of which have similar and poor outcomes. The real question is: “Do alternative treatment options exist?” And the answer is YES! Can we do a better job at resting and recovering? The answer is of course! Do specific therapies exist that help improve testicular and vascular health? The answer is of yes, definitely! So, we can do a lot for varicocele treatment. Some great examples are cardiovascular exercise, acupuncture and yoga. So, we have options. Let’s not get stuck in picking between surgery or embolization; many other therapeutic treatments are more effective and carry zero risk.
4 Great Varicocele Treatment Tips >> Varicocele Natural Treatment Programs
When I started 6 years ago, all the information on the internet said that varicocele is a genetic disorder of faulty vein valves. As someone who suffered from varicocele and all of the misinformation out there, I have put a lot of effort to make sure that we know our options--that surgery and embolization are not effective, and that many better alternatives exist. Now, I have helped contribute to Wikipedia and update the outdated and incorrect information. I have also run several varicocele natural treatment campaigns to help other men who are suffering know their options--and really to make the alternatives accessible to everyone. So far, my treatment programs have gotten great results for hundreds of my clients. The results speak for themselves (read the reviews here or on Amazon). You can learn more about my natural treatment programs here. Please feel free to contact me for any assistance.
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Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
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