How to treat varicocele naturally — Home remedies and treatments
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AuthorDaniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Varicocele is enlarged testicle veins.
Varicocele pain or discomfort indicate that the testicles are under stress or are being damaged. The stress and damage are due to improper testicular care and varicocele toxic blood pooling. Some of the damage is reversible and some permanent. The degree of reversible vs permanent damage depends on the severity and duration of the stress. Yes, it is possible to prevent the stress and damage--therefore it is imperative to start a treatment as soon as possible to minimize permanent damage.
Note: Some individuals with varicocele do not experience pain, however do develop varicocele symptoms. VARICOCELE & INFERTILITY
Symptoms of infertility or impaired testosterone, that are caused by varicocele, indicate that the toxic blood pooling has already damaged the testicles to a significant degree. Normally, much of this damage is reversible, however some damage is permanent. These symptoms are treatable to a large degree, therefore it is important to adhere to a treatment as soon as possible.
Many factors contribute to varicocele development. Varicocele normally does not occur for one specific reason. Luckily many of the risk factors for varicocele are controllable. Controllable varicocele risk factors are called lifestyle changes. Poor testicular health, lifestyle factors, and anatomical factors lead to varicocele development. Varicocele is Not a simple genetic disorder of faulty valves.
Without treatment, varicocele typically increases in severity with time. Those with higher grade varicocele typically have worse symptoms and more difficulty treating their varicocele. Therefore, it is highly advised to start a treatment as soon as possible.
It must be noted that there is no 100% cure for varicocele at this time:
Varicocele is not 100% curable because the veins are not swollen, they are actually enlarged. The anatomy is altered. This is because when blood pools in the testicular veins, it pools testosterone with it. The tissue surrounding the varicocele has up to 70X higher testosterone saturation. This causes the veins to hypertrophy (this is also responsible for prostate enlargement). It is therefore imperative to start a treatment as early as possible to prevent varicocele progression and minimize any damage that is done to the testicles from toxic blood pooling. VIDEO: BE CAREFUL OF MAGIC PILL QUICK FIXES
There are many people who are pushing supplements as a cure for varicocele. Supplements are Not a cure. Like surgery and embolization, supplement merely address a small portion of toxic blood pooling; they fail to address the critical controllable varicocele risk factors, and are non-therapeutic.
Varicocele surgery is not a cure because it simple cuts out the enlarged veins. It does little to address backward blood flow (reflux), nothing to address the controllable varicocele risk factors, and is non-therapeutic. This is why 5-20% of those who undergo surgery a form of treatment re-develop varicocele. It should also be noted that varicocele surgery does not improve pregnancy rates, therefore it is failing to treat the problem.
Embolization is an alternative to surgery. It can be thought of as a quick and dirty form of surgery. While surgery attempts to cut out only the enlarged veins, embolization is inaccurate and therefore blocks off the general area's circulation in an attempt to reduce the vein swelling size. It should be noted that embolization has a higher failure and varicocele redevelopment rate than surgery. Those with right-sided varicocele are advised not to undergo embolization due to high recurrence rates (up to 35%). Supplements are a minor part of varicocele treatment. Supplements in the form of anti-oxidants help reduce damage to vein valves and walls. Furthermore, some supplements help with venous drainage. However, it should be noted that these changes are minor, as must be accompanied with a proper diet, and proper treatment for good results. CAN YOU TREAT VARICOCELE WITHOUT SURGERY?
Important: Please see your physician if you think you have varicocele. You must first confirm that you have no other conditions. Many other conditions can cause infertility, testicular pain, and testicle vein enlargement.
Yes, you can treat varicocele without surgery. Using natural treatments, you can:
Varicocele natural treatments work in 3 way:
Blood pooling causes testicular hyperthermia, build up of reactive oxygen species (ROS), testicular hyper-hydration, lack of nutrient exchange, and waste build up. Blood pooling is therefore toxic for the testicles.
Surgery is ineffective because it only addresses a portion of toxic blood pooling by cutting out the enlarged veins--but may fail to address blood back-flow (reflux). Surgery is also ineffective because it fails to address the controllable varicocele risk factors, and is not a therapeutic treatment therefore does not help induce healing of the testicles. Like surgery, supplements also only address a small portion of toxic blood pooling. They help reduce some of the damage done by ROS activity, and may help reduce blood back-flow to some degree (reflux). However, like surgery, supplements fail to properly address toxic blood pooling, do nothing about the controllable varicocele risk factors, and are a non-therapeutic treatment modality, there do little for inducing optimal function. 2. VARICOCELE: CONTROLLABLE RISK FACTORS
We term controllable varicocele risk factors as "lifestyle changes". As it turns out, most varicocele risk factors are actually controllable. There are dozens of lifestyle changes that help treat varicocele. If we had made these simple lifestyle changes at an early age, most of us would not have developed varicocele in the first place. It must be noted that these lifestyle changes take little or no extra time out of your day. Which is a failure of the education system for not teaching proper testicular care in sexual education classes.
Relying on surgery, embolization, or supplements fails to address the controllable varicocele risk factors. This is the main reason for why these treatment modalities have mediocre results at best; they do nothing to address the lifestyle changes. 3. VARICOCELE: THERAPEUTIC TREATMENTS
In the case of testicular pain, infertility, or impaired testosterone, it is critical to perform some therapeutic treatment to help induce healing of the testicles. Example of therapies for varicocele are: Yoga, acupuncture, and quality sleep. Therapies are critical for restoring optimal function.
It must be noted that surgery and embolization are not therapeutic treatment modalities. They simply attempt to address toxic blood pooling--which is the reason why testicular pain before surgery continues after surgery and fertility does not improve. VARICOCELE NATURAL TREATMENT OPTIONS
I hope that the above information was informative and helpful for you. As someone who suffered from varicocele and the misinformation that's out there about surgery, embolization, and the supposed genetic cause of varicocele, I took it upon myself to help make natural treatment more of a viable option for everyone. I have worked diligently over the past 4 years and have authored The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele. Before I started, there was viable no alternative to surgery, now, natural treatments are actually very effective, and I have helped over a thousand people suffering from varicocele naturally treat their varicoceles without surgery. The methodology is simple and works for almost everyone!
100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
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