Lifestyle matters for varicocele. Treat varicocele at home, without surgery.
Identify and treat the root-cause of varicocele. Safe, home treatment recommendations for varicocele and male-infertility.
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Is it okay to use a hot tub or sauna with varicocele?
Can you even take a hot shower with varicocele?
Look, there is nothing wrong with using a hot tub or sauna, and most definitely nothing wrong with hot showers. However, excessive or prolonged elevation of scrotal temperatures can have negative implications on pain and infertility. So, do your best to keep your testicles at a normal temperature on average. And, look, reduce long-duration heating (e.g. hot tubs or saunas) if it worsens your symptoms. I should however make a note that early in your treatment (e.g. three to four weeks), it is ideal to minimize all stressors, and that means no hot tub or sauna. However, after the three to four weeks of treatment, once you have gained some good results, your testicles will be much healthier and more resilient to stress.
Dos & Don'ts of Hot Tub, Sauna, and Hot Showers
✗ Don't expose your testicles to excessive or prolonged heat stress ✗ Don't worry occasional heat exposure ✗ Don't worry about keeping your testicles cool all day ✓ DO I highly advise a cool or cold shower after hot tub or sauna ✓ DO run some cool water over your testicles after hot tub, sauna, or a hot shower ✓ DO keep your testicles cool in general, not 100% of all day 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treat the root-cause of varicocele and male-infertility!
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