The wrong diet worsens varicocele and the right diet helps it heal. Learn more!
Learn the the best foods, supplements, and dietary practices for varicocele healing
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
What we all know: Yes, we all know that canned food, deep-fried food, fast food, pizza, excessive red meat/beef intake, pop/soda, and drinks with added sugars, syrups, juice concentrates, etc. are all bad for varicocele.
But! Did you know that even fruit, vegetables, dairy, whole wheat/grains, nuts, and seeds can be harmful? Problem 1: Our food has become a product to store and sell. Sales have replaced health: Our food is chemically processed and altered, genetically modified (GMO), filled preservatives for shelf life, grown with hormones and pesticides, factory-farmed in horrid conditions, and grown in nutrient-deprived soils. We now have to consume more than twice the food to get the same nutrients as our parents did. These factors all negatively impact our health and are entirely relevant to varicocele swelling, pain, and infertility. Problem 2: We used to process out harmful food components. But, now, we live in a fast-paced world where our women are at work, and technology and convenience have replaced rich culture. We used to process out the harmful components of nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, meats, etc. However, our food processing traditions are now lost, and it is directly affecting our health. So, with food becoming more and more of a product, and us losing old food processing traditions, we are now stuck with diets that are causing both systemic harm and direct damage to our ciruclatry health and fertility. So? What can you eat? How should you process your food? What food are you eating right now that may be harming you? What is the best diet for varicocele, pain relief, and fertility? That is exactly what our experts are trained to help you with. Have one of our certified nutritionists / dietitians will perform a 1 on 1 consultation with you, track your diet, and give you specific dietary, food processing, and supplementation advice to help you get the best results that you’re after. |
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