I have been helping men treat varicocele and
infertility - without surgery - for 11+ years
Complete home treatment program. 11+ years experience treating varicocele and male infertility.
Why I Made This PageI just put so much time and effort into taking good care of my clients, and I keep getting the same treatment questions over and over. So, I thought it would be valuable to share the questions and answers with everyone. All personal-identifying information has been removed, and the customer has given consent for these to be posted. I'm sure you'll find this page very useful. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions yourself: [email protected].
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Now guys, this is a pretty old video that I made. I don't necessarily make the same recommendations now. But, here's a comment that I found very interesting. "NYslapbass&radios/spcbuffalo1425 commented 2 months ago "it is not serious, its not toxic blood. this was made to freak people out. I have it and pain is only slight." Stop Freaking Out, and Start Doing Something.Wrong. It is serious. It is toxic blood. This was not made to freak people out. It was made to provide 3 important treatments that can help with varicocele pain. Why do you think you have varicocele pain? You think it's aching or painful without reason? No. It's because your testicles and testicular veins are literally being damaged. The proper terminology for that is varicocele toxic blood pooling. The toxicities are from ROS damage, hyperhydration, lack of nutrient exchange, and yes, literally toxin buildup.
Actually, only about 15% of men with varicocele also have pain symptoms. That's not many. Some have severe pain, some have only dull aching pain. The condition varies in severity. While you minify the pain symptoms for everyone else, I will note importantly that pain symptoms are an indication that your condition is worsening. Why? Because the damage done to your veins is damaging the vein valves. The pain means blood is blooding 70-100 time normal testosterone levels in your testicular veins--this means vein hypertrophy. Now, while you pretend like nothing is going on, I urge all men with varicocele pain at least begin making specific lifestyle changes to address the root cause. I strongly urge men with varicocele pain to at a minimum adhere to the 3 pain relief treatments recommended here. I have had too many clients who ignored their pain symptoms--who then later developed higher grade varicoceles and infertility. Scare tactic? If you want to call it that, go for it. I prefer to call it seeing reality, and doing something about it. Here are 100 Free Treatment Tips. Stop being freaked out, and start doing something about your condition (Which is the #1 cause of male infertility... Not to scare you, but just share the fact). www.varicocelehealing.com/100-treatment-tips. Does your natural treatment actually decrease the size of varicocele or just reduce the swelling?31/8/2018 Great QuestionDoes your natural treatment actually decrease the size of the Varicocele or just reduce the swelling itself ? Sent from my iPhone Swelling/Inflammation vs. Varicose Vein SizeCUSTOMER NAME, well, I treat those as being the same thing for simplicity reasons. It's really all semantics, and most people don't require the specific knowledge.
If you want me to be very specific, here it is for you: Swelling reduction: Yes, there is typically an inflammatory component that results in varicocele swelling. The inflammatory component can be caused by various factors, such as:
Varicocele size: Yes, the actual varicose veins, that are increased in size, are a separate, but related, condition. Here is some of what I consider when looking at increased vein size:
I have noticed that the best results come when you address both components! That's why I provide you guys more than just the Healing Guide with step-by-step treatment; I also provide you guys the Varaco Health Kit, and STUD Underwear as well. They all help make a big difference. www.varicocelehealing.com/treatments. I hope that makes sense for you! Please let me know if you have any further questions on that, or require any other help. |
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