I have been helping men treat varicocele and
infertility - without surgery - for 11+ years
Complete home treatment program. 11+ years experience treating varicocele and male infertility.
Why I Made This PageI just put so much time and effort into taking good care of my clients, and I keep getting the same treatment questions over and over. So, I thought it would be valuable to share the questions and answers with everyone. All personal-identifying information has been removed, and the customer has given consent for these to be posted. I'm sure you'll find this page very useful. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions yourself: [email protected].
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Customer Help Request:The customer filled out the Varicocele Risk Assessment Form and had the following concerns: "I have a grade 3 left-sided varicocele with 5/10 pain that comes and goes. I have some hormone imbalance (i.e, low testosterone, low muscle tone, low energy). I sit for more than 8 hours per day and work as a Mechanical Engineer. I have no knoweldge of any of this stuff... I don't know if I'm making things worse. I'm fearful and nervous. I don't know if doing anything phsyical will the problem worse or better... I'm just scared to do anything physical. I just walk for 30 minutes, that's all I do. Before, I used to masturbate but now I quit and so it's a struggle for me. I just go outside with my friends and wait until I feel no stress, then go back home. I want to cure the varicocele pain. I just have this varicocele varicocele and I am free to fix or treat it fully. I appreciate your help. I don't have nay knowledge nor have read about any treatmetns. I just walk a lot and take cold showers everday 1-3 times per day. I also eat a lot of ginger and orange juice. I want to follow your program but I have a couple of questions. How do I receive instructions or the method of treatment?" Varicocele Risk Assessment Review & Response:NAME, sorry for missing your call request.
Here is a quick review of your VRA Form:
All-in-all: Start with something right now. Don't wait. You now have a lot of resources to utilize! I highly recommend getting started right away. Ahmed, also, please sign up for another consultation call. I'll be sure to get to your case asap. varicocelehealing.com/consult Sincerely, Daniel Johnson Does your natural treatment actually decrease the size of varicocele or just reduce the swelling?31/8/2018 Great QuestionDoes your natural treatment actually decrease the size of the Varicocele or just reduce the swelling itself ? Sent from my iPhone Swelling/Inflammation vs. Varicose Vein SizeCUSTOMER NAME, well, I treat those as being the same thing for simplicity reasons. It's really all semantics, and most people don't require the specific knowledge.
If you want me to be very specific, here it is for you: Swelling reduction: Yes, there is typically an inflammatory component that results in varicocele swelling. The inflammatory component can be caused by various factors, such as:
Varicocele size: Yes, the actual varicose veins, that are increased in size, are a separate, but related, condition. Here is some of what I consider when looking at increased vein size:
I have noticed that the best results come when you address both components! That's why I provide you guys more than just the Healing Guide with step-by-step treatment; I also provide you guys the Varaco Health Kit, and STUD Underwear as well. They all help make a big difference. www.varicocelehealing.com/treatments. I hope that makes sense for you! Please let me know if you have any further questions on that, or require any other help. Hi Daniel, Hope you are well. Just wanted to see if you have done any research on or have any opinions on varicocele embolization as a way to increase my fertility? Just a follow up from previous email i wanted to send some data from trials: Also, just a reminder to please let me know when you have received new stock of stud underwear! Kind Regards NAME Those Studies and Both Bias & Misleading!"Technical success" just means that the procedure was successfully completed. It has nothing to do with your personal results. It doesn't mean that your varicocele swelling has reduced. It also does not mean that you won't develop permanent discomfort or pain from the coils. It also doesn't mean that there wasn't serious damage done during the procedure. It also has nothing to do with improved chances of pregnancy. The recurrence rate of embolization has been reported to be as high as 30% for right-sided varicoceles. As well, I believe meta-analysis (not 1 study) show that there is a much higher varicocele redevelopment rate than this study misleads about. Yes, 35% of infertile couples who undergo embolization can have a successful pregnancy. That's awesome right? Nope. The normal, natural rate, without embolization is about 33% or 34%... They gave a "11-60%" range to mislead you. The problem is that all of these studies are backed by radiology departments. There is also a massive over-publication on surgery and embolization. So, if you wanted, you could run a meta-analysis, and select only the ones that favor the conclusion that you are looking for. My question for you is: Why are there almost zero scientific studies looking at Lifestyle Interventions for varicocele treatment? Just because there is no money in it. Oh, and here is another question for you: Why are there almost zero trials looking at the "interventions" in improving varicocele pain? Because they aren't very effective at all for improving pain, and can often cause increase of pain or permanent discomfort/pain. I hope that helps clarify things for you. More Resources:Oh, and if you're looking to improve your fertility, I'm pretty sure that varicocelectomy has a higher effectiveness than embolization for that. You should research it further if you're committing to one of these procedures. Here is what my research has found: https://varicocelehealing.com/surgery-risks.html Here is a good post on Varicocele & Infertility for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnzce2FNw-w Varicocele & Infertility Treatments |
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