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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!
Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Note: This article assumes that you have already seen your doctor and are following his/her directions. If you haven't, go and see your doctor, many different conditions can cause testicular pain--some of which require medical attention. Can Yoga Really Help?First of all, Yes, Yoga can help with testicular pain, aching, & discomfort. But! You have to know WHY you're having testicular pain in the first place. If you have testicular pain because of an infection--Yoga might help a little, but you Must get proper medical treatment. So, this article will assume that you've already seen your doctor regarding your pain. Many different conditional (some of which are serious) can cause testicular pain, Don't disregard your doctor's advice. That being said, some doctors do suck. And often doctors don't have all of the solutions. For example, if you're experiencing varicocele pain, hydrocele dyscomfort, or any other long-term persistent testicular pain, then maybe Yoga can help you. The Best Yoga Asanas for Testicular PainSurprisingly, Yoga is very beneficial for both testicular health and pain. Here is how Yoga helps:
Introducing: The Varicocele Yoga Video Series -- A Yoga series specifically designed for testicular health & to help treat testicular pain. And my Top 3 Yoga Asanas (And Pranayama) for Testicular Pain -- See below. Top 3 Asanas You Need to Be PracticingSo, those are the previews to the Varicocele Yoga Video Series. You can see some of the sequences and benefits there, and can buy the full version here. But, just because I'm awesome, here are my top 3 Yoga asanas for varicocele pain:
Science References
Very Important to Know:Look guys, I've helped so many men with testicular pain so far that I know some quick pitfalls that you need to avoid. First of all, if you have testicular pain, Go See Your Doctor. You need to figure out the root cause of your pain. For example, it you have an infection, your pain will continue to worsen, and you will put your testicles at risk if you don't get a proper medical treatment! Now, if you've already seen your doctor and are okay to do Yoga, I have some great Yoga Asanas here for you that will help either completely cure your pain or at least help reduce and manage your it. Yoga Can Help Treat Testicular PainNow, if you have testicular discomfort from epididymal cysts, varicocele, or any other chronic conditions, yoga may be able to help alleviate your pain. Yoga Asanas for Testicle PainHere, I recommend 3 different treatments for testicular pain. #1) Improve Circulation: Inversions help improve testicular blood circulation and have anti-inflammatory effects. They are one of the best yoga asanas for testicular pain relief. #2) Improve Health: Over-heating is a big risk factor for testicular pain. Therefore, practice yoga without underwear or with underwear that has good heat ventilation. #3) Reduce Stress: Stress can hinder healing and cause testicular pain. Therefore meditation and relaxation poses are very helpful. Varicocele Yoga Video SeriesNow, I have made a yoga series for treating varicocele pain. However, this series is also helpful for treating chronic testicular pain. Take a look.
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