I have been helping men treat varicocele and
infertility - without surgery - for 11+ years
Complete home treatment program. 11+ years experience treating varicocele and male infertility.
Why I Made This PageI just put so much time and effort into taking good care of my clients, and I keep getting the same treatment questions over and over. So, I thought it would be valuable to share the questions and answers with everyone. All personal-identifying information has been removed, and the customer has given consent for these to be posted. I'm sure you'll find this page very useful. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions yourself: [email protected].
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Hi Daniel, After a long time back to you. Varicocele a threat, you discussed a lot that is praiseworthy. But a question to you that how the sagging can be abolished??? which is so much irritating. Also doctor says that if any one remains untreated with surgery than his balls you be drier and gradually the size will smaller that have a miserable impact on fertility. What is you comment about this perspective??? A Quick-Fix to a Complex Problem!Well, you have to ask yourself--"What is varicocele, and what's really causing the testicular shrinkage and infertility?" I think your doctor is trying to push an un-educated and emotional interpretation. Which is clearly flawed in many ways. But, before I even begin digging into that... There is little to no scientific evidence that even says your testicles will regain size after surgery. Moreover, the benefits of surgery are only present in 1 in 7 men who undergo the procedure--AT BEST. That's the real science behind it. So, his interpretation that surgery is the final option is obviously misleadingly false. Surgery is not even effective at alleviating pain. Many scientific reviews also say that surgery might not be effective at all. Moreover there are specific criteria that must be met by the patient, for surgery to be effective. Do you meet those criteria? Does your doctor even know/care what those criteria are? Now, to dig into the un-educated emotional components... What really causes testicular shrinkage and infertility? That's a fundamentally important thing to know! The answer is varicocele pools blood that causes 3 things:
Let's break it down 1 by 1: 1. Toxin pooling, especially increased concentrations of ROS (reactive oxygen specifies):
2. Lack of nutrient exchange
3. Testicular over-heating (in most people), and in few over-cooling
Surgery is sold as a "quick-fix" for a complex problemSo, the real problem is that your doctor is selling a simple quick-fix to a problem that's actually very complex and requires real management. That's the fuller-view of the reality and complexity of the situation.
Hope it helps |
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