Learn how to treat varicocele and infertility, without surgery.
Complete home treatment program. 11+ years experience treating varicocele and male infertility.
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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
Should You Masturbate with Varicocele?Now, the argument about whether to masturbate or not has really been going on for too long! While there is value the argument, I think that we need to shift the focus away from "Should You Masturbate or Not" to "What is Healthy Masturbation". When we do this, we notice that the main culprit is PORN. Porn has mutated masturbation from something that used to be healthy to something that is completely dysfunctional now. Healthy Masturbation (Dos):
Unhealthy Masturbation (Do Not Dos):
Varicocele Treatment Without SurgeryVaricocele home treatment is all about treating the root-cause of varicocele, pain, and infertility. It is about improving testicular and vein health. We have now identified over 500 risk factors that cause varicocele. Our program helps you identify the exact root-cause of your varicocele, and give you the tools and resources to effectively treat it.
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