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AuthorMr. Daniel Johnson, B.Sc. 100 Free Varicocele Treatment Tips Course!Treatments for the Root-Cause of Varicocele & Infertility
वैरीकोसेल योग उपचार सीरीज (हिंदी) >Yoga for Treating VaricoceleHey, my name is Daniel, and I'm the author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing of Varicocele. I have been helping clients successfully treat varicocele at home without surgeryYoga for Varicocele for over 4 years now. And, many of my clients have found the Varicocele Yoga Video Series is a very helpful of therapeutic activity for varicocele. Yoga helps, and here is why: Benefits of Yoga for Varicocele
Yoga Is the Best Exercise Type for VaricoceleYoga is the best form of exercise for varicocele because: It helps circulate the toxic blood that pools with varicocele, helps treat controllable varicocele risk factors, and improves the body's restorative/healing abilities. You will find the most effective beginner yoga exercises for treating varicocele in The Varicocele Yoga Video Series. Top 3 Yoga Asanas/Exercises for Healing Varicocele#1 Deep BreathingDeep breathing exercises are very effective for varicocele treatment. Mentally, deep breathing relaxes and calms the mind, reducing stress and improving digestion. Physically, the inward and outward motion of the stomach gently massages the digestive and circulatory organs. Massaging the digestive organs helps relieve tension, remove toxins, stimulates bowel movement and reduces inflammation. Massaging the circulatory organs helps reduce the nutcracker effect, improves venous tone, and enhances blood flow. Overall, deep breathing is a very important exercise for varicocele healing and is easy enough so that anyone can do it. #2 Upward DogSphinx pose is an important exercise for stretching the abdominal cavity, correcting slouched back posture, and improving blood circulation to the reproductive organs. This is a great pose and it is easy to perform. I recommend holding this pose for 30-120 seconds every morning. #3 Happy Baby PoseHappy baby pose is one of my favorite exercises. It is very easy to perform and hold for long periods and has great benefits. It is a small inversion exercise and therefore helps drain the varicocele. It stretches and tones the pelvic floor, reducing muscular tension and improving blood circulation of the lower torso. This exercise is especially important for bikers, runners and anyone who sits or stands for prolonged periods. I recommend performing it every night in bed for at least 30 seconds before sleep. Baba RamdevBaba Ramdev is the spiritual leader of yoga in India. Even though much of the things that he preaches are not backed by science, he has some really good content. I highly recommend his mudras, breathing exercises (pranayama), and exercises (yoga asanas). You might want to skip to 20 minutes into the video to get to his recommended exercises. You can find his video here. More Natural at Home Treatments for Varicocele > New! Varicocele Yoga Treatment Series (Videos)Varicocele Yoga Treatment Series is a 2 hour Hatha Restorative series for varicocele. It is a beginner level series, and all of the poses are simple & easy to perform. The sequence has healing benefits for varicocele. The various poses and breathing techniques help treat varicocele pain & infertility, reduce varicocele swelling, increase healthy testicular blood flow, and create a more healing bodily environment for varicocele. Varicocele Treatment Without SurgeryTony - “I'm reading through your book and the advice is already helping me in terms of scrotal sag and swelling veins.” Scott Collins - "I never thought I could start doing things I loved again to a point with no pain." Jess (California) - "I no longer consider varicocele a problem." Henry Ifeh - "I'm glad to let you know that my wife is already pregnant." Samuel Norman - "The pain disappeared soon and I started feeling more sexually active.” Learn More!Top Recommended Yoga Poses / Exercises+ Sarvangasana (shoulder stand): Is a great exercise for improving circulation to the testicles & cleansing the body. + Halasana (plow pose): Helps exercise and lengthen the spine as well as improve digestion and sexual health. + Setu Bandha Sarvagasana (bridge pose): This is a great exercise for removing stagnant blood pooling in the varicocele & bringing health to the testicles. Recommended Medicine For low sperm count: 100g white musli, 100g shatawar powder, 100g ashwagandha, and 5 seeds of kaunch. Make a fine powder and mix well. Take 3-5g in the morning and 3-5g in the evening. Baba Ramdev Medicine for Varicocele Video. Top Recommended Pranayam Kapalbhati pranayam (skull light breathing: Increases sperm count, sexual powers, last longer Anulom vilom pranayam (alternate nostril breathing: induces a healing state to treat varicocele) Recommended Bandha Baba Ramdev recommends Mula Bandha, for obvious reasons. Varicocele Yoga Video Series |
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